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The strength of textile, jewelry

The strength of textile, jewelry is een rondreizende expositie van sieraden gemaakt met (elementen van) textiel of gemaakt door middel van textiele technieken in andere materialen. De 24 deelnemers zijn afkomstig van Argentinië tot Zuid-Korea. Ik voel me vereerd dat curator Luis Acosta enkele van mijn sieraden heeft geselecteerd uit de textielcollecties Grace en Amulets.

"The strength of textil, jewelry" is a collection of Contemporary International Jewelry in which 24 designers participate.

This exhibition is not about the textile jewelry itself, but about something that suggests it, regardless of the material and technique used. It is the ambiguous concept of the textile jewelry where the quality of the textile materials is contrasted with the hardness and coldness of the metal. The experience of each designer leads him (sometimes unconsciously) to produce an object that is later cataloged into a discipline he had not taken into account. It is interesting to see, within that experimentation, the application of these materials that are transformed into delicate pieces delivering a unique aesthetic to each design. All the magic of a transformation, coupled with mastery in the design of jewelry, to deliver a mysterious message of love.

Curator: Luis Acosta

Kunstenaars/Artists: Agara Agirre (Spain), Andrea Barrera Velásquez (Colombia), Angelo Verga (Italy), Carolina Bernachea (Argentina), Christine Cook (New Zealand), Evelyne Alice Bridier (France), Floor Max (Netherlands), Heng Lee (Taiwan), Idoia Lizeaga Iturralde (Spain), Irene G Barrera (Spain), Jo Pudelko (United Kingdom), Karen Gillis (Netherlands), Mabel Pena (Argentina), Margo Nelissen (Netherlands), Mercedes Carvallo (Venezuela), Mónica Pérez (Chile), Nicole Uurbanus (Netherlands-Brazil), Patricia Gurgel-Segrillo (Brazil-Ireland), Rachel Reilly (United Kingdom), Rafael Luis Alvarez Meinvielle (Argentina), Rita Soto (Chile), Shenhav Russo (Israel), Snem Yildirim (Turkey), Ye-Jee Lee (South Korea)

8 March to 12 April 2019

Galería La


C/ Siete Revueltas 20

Sevilla – Spain

4 May to 8 Jun 2019

Galerie Caractère

bijoux et objets contemporains rue des terreaux 1 Neuchâtel - Switzerland

29 Jun to 31 Aug 2019

Tincal lab

Contemporary jewelry work+shop space CCBombarda -

- Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285, loja

Porto – Portugal

19 Sep to 19 Oct 2019

Galería Lalabeyou

joyería contemporánea Travesía de Belén 2 - Local 1 Madrid – Spain coinciding with the VIII Biennial International of Contemporary Textile Art of the WTA

Feb to March 2020


C/ Viñolas 10

Sant Cugat del Vallès –

Barcelona – Spain

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